Monday, July 27, 2009

Fair Parade

With the small size of our school, the 8th graders are invited to march in the high school band. Alex got his first chance to march in the fair parade. Even with the heckling he got from his parents and grandparents, he was able to hold it together and look serious.

Abby's birthday

Here are a few pics from Abby's birthday party. Her day started out in the emergency room with a horrible bacterial ear infection from swimmers ear. As you can see, she perked up a little. I LOVE the picture of the 2 girls!! And, we could not find the birthday candles and had to improvise.

Where have I gone???

OK, I know everyone is upset because I have not posted in sometime. For that, I am very sorry. June was all about taking classes everyday at Miami. The classes were the hardest EVER!! Then after a short week off, it was off to teach SOSI. I now get 4 weeks off until school starts. Here are a few pics from my class so you know I have been working.