Here was how mine went...
5:45am: Alarm went off. Spent 15 minutes just getting kids out of bed.
6:00am: Abby spent next 20 minutes complaining her jeans were too tight (they weren't falling off her, which was too tight for her).
6:20am: Discovered puppy diarehea in the dining room.
7:00am: Went flying out the door 10 minutes late to take Alex and Abby to school
7:15am: Got a phone call from my friend Amanda asking me to bring her a serving spoon for our school luncheon, which reminded me that I forgot to make my item to bring.
8:10am: Arrived at podiatrist 10 minutes late after sitting in horrible traffic and getting lost.
8:15am: Dr. stuck a large needle in the side of my heel and dug around with it til blood ran down my foot, and that still felt better than the pain from before.
9:10am: Arrived 10 minutes late to a meeting with a parent at school.
10:15am: Finally get to class and back to normal, UNTIL....
11:45am: What appears to be a large shoe is thrown into my room from the hall. A few seconds later, we realize it is a large bat. After a long minute if all of us screaming and hiding under our desks, it slammed into the top of an open window and slid out.
12:05pm: Get a call from the nurse at the middle school, they thing Abby has pink eye.
12:20pm: Get Abby, bring her to my school for the nurse to check and then run her home.
3:30pm: Run all over at the last minute to get Gracie off the bus for Chris as he drops of Abby to take to the Dr. Nurse from the Drs office is a parent in our school picking up her kid, checks out Abby and confirms pink eye. Advises to call and just get meds, no need for appt. (YEAH!)
3:45pm: Help assemble packets for presentation; go over last minute things we need from school for trip.
4:00-7:00pm: Run around all over trying to get what I need and what Chris needs before I leave.
7:00pm: Finish power point for presentation Friday.
10:00pm: Begin packing...
12:30am: Sitting here now writing on my blog because I am stressing about flying tomorrow.
So, how was your day?