Wednesday, June 27, 2007

14 years...

Last night we celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary. Chris and I sat at dinner last night and asked each other what we would tell those people. Here are a few things we came up with:

1. Buy stock in "Google" and "Amazon."

2. Enjoy the B.C. era (Before Children)

3. Savor every second of the time there after.

4. There will be good marriage days and bad marriage days.

5. Keep journals and video, you will forget how cute they were!

6. Be smarter with your money.

All in all, we are pretty proud to still be together. After all, Chris pretty much dared, not asked me to marry him. Let's be honest, who really thought we'd still be together?

Monday, June 25, 2007

"I'm a big gurl..."

Gracie was thrilled last night! She was finally big enough to go to VBS. Last year she suffered through watching her big brother and sister going without her. Let me tell you , last night she though she was big stuff walking into that church and sitting with her class. What was even more fun was the gift she got to take home... the rock with the "church t" engraved on it (a cross to the rest of us). Tonight I am sitting in a quiet family room, rained out baseball game, and all 3 at VBS.

Do I hear an "Amen?"

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Change in plans

Well, I thought that I was going to do my National Boards this year, but as my mother pointed out to me today, there are only 24 hours in a day. I do not think I can spend enough time on it this year with all of the other things I am doing this year. So.... now what? I really want to start working on my masters this year. I am thinking about trying to find an online degree in technology. I am really jazzed about incorporating tech into my classes this year. I am lucky Susan is just as excited. I am hoping to really plan lots of great things this year.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Teaching the teachers

It is 8:35pm and I am struggling to stay awake. Anyone who knows me knows that this is NOT like me. My friend Susan and I are nearly half way through facilitating a workshop for science teachers. Getting up and speaking in front of your peers is difficult. Keeping a group of teachers engaged on the summer vacation can by very challenging to say the least. Despite a few strong personalities, we are really having a great time. 't

I am looking forward to my vacation starting at some point. 2 more weeks of teaching the teachers, a week off that I hope involves a trip to Connecticut, a week of a workshop in Cleveland for the whole family, and then 3 weeks of teaching again. But don't worry, I won't get lazy. After that it is a week workshop to prepare for National Boards and then a week off before school starts!

Happy Summer!!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

I want to be Oprah

I have spent the last week watching the Oprah 20th anniversary DVD's (there were 6). I always liked Oprah, but never had strong feelings about her. After watching these DVD's I am amazed at all of the things she has done in 20 years. She has talked to not only celebrities, but world leaders and everyday people who have led exceptional lives. She has done everything from working the drive thru at McDonalds to sining back up for Tina Turner. She got America reading through her book club. She has used her status to do many great things like her Wildest Dreams tour and recently opened a school for girls in South Africa. If you have not had the chance to watch them, I highly recommend you go to the library and check them out. It is a history lesson in events from the last 20 years!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Little obsessive behavior can be a good thing...

I know it has been a while since my last post. Those that are close to me know that I have been obsessing over finishing a DVD of the photos from the DC trip. Parents sent in their pics and I had over 1700 pics to chose from. I was finally able to use my MacBook in the way it was meant to be used. I looked at the video so many times that I could see it in my sleep. The DVD turned out pretty great. I was new to the software and for my 1st project, I was very happy. Of course, now I am thinking about all the other ways we can use it, both personally and at school.

Now that school is out, it is time to start obsessing about what to teach for next year...