No, I am no talking about me. I am talking about my cousin Shelley who is a proud new mom today. Now some of you may be wondering what Shelley could have done for me to label her a "Supermom" on her 1st day. Well, let me tell you. Shel delivered TWO healthy baby boys today. Bryce weighed in at a wonderful 7 pounds 2 ounces and was 19 inches long. His big brother Tyler weighed in at a whopping 7 pounds, 15 ounces and was 22 inches long (do the math ladies). Now, some of you may be wondering what kind of wonder woman could carry these babies 38 weeks. She must be good sized girl like her cousin, Dee. Well, let me tell you, Shel is maybe a size 1 (that's right, o-n-e) and 5'10". I have NO IDEA where she was keeping these babies. It boggles my mind. But, she already showed what a great mom she is going to be. I wish so much that I could be there!!!
Well, since all my good kharma is being sent to Shel, my own children are falling apart. Each one in the last 24 hours has had some kind of issue.
Grace: Came down stairs after a day of swimming a threw up all over the kitchen floor (at least she missed the carpet!)
Abby: Almost lost an eye when her little sister got mad at her and threw a pair of scissors at her. They missed her eye by less than an inch. Abby has a cut.
Alex: Who I just returned from the emergency room with. 1st soccer practice, kicks the ball the wrong way and after 4 hours and 6 x-rays is told to have seriously sprained his ankle (there was a "popping" noise).
Tomorrow we are heading to the dentist. Say a little prayer...
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