Today Gracie started her soccer career. I think everyone was second guessing my putting her in soccer, especially with her sister's former Pee Wee soccer exploits. Although she was eager to play when we signed her up, she was reluctant to play today. She felt a little better when she found out her friend Austin would be on the team. Let me tell you, s

he LOVED it. Not only was she always the first person in line, but she often tried to slip back into the front of the line so she could get another turn. She only took herself out of practice once, and that was only to get a quick drink. Our only problem was that we didn't bring a ball for her and she had to share with others. She tried very hard and was really wanted to know when she would be getting her "soccer clothes." She will not have practice again until next week, so maybe we will have to have her practice with her big brother and sister.
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