1. Lose weight. This one tops the list each year. I am sad to say some of the weight I lost from the surgery came back. I would like to get rid of it again. Plus we are cruising this summer with the Jones' and I'll have to wear a bathing suit in front of people who know me.
2. Exercise. This can be part of resolution 1. I am looking into Zumba classes at the Y.
3. Start my masters. Jaimie is going to have me do this whether I am ready or not. I am ready, it is all about the $$ and time. Still hoping I can find someone else to pay for my masters.
4. Less time spent angry. This applies at home and school. I feel like I am always stressed and angry. I seems like it has just become a way of life and I wasn't always like this. I want to change the things in my life that make me feel this way.
5. More Family Game/Movie nights. With 3 kids going in 3 different directions, some weeks our only family meals happen in the car on the way some where. This leads to my next resolution...
6. Less eating out. Being busy we eat out WAY too much. Means I have to be...
7. More organized. I can't tell you how many Girl Scout meetings we missed last year because I didn't have it on my calendar. Having a principal who makes me turn in lesson plans and a teaching partner who I work well with makes organizing school stuff easier.
8. Keep the house cleaner. 3 kids who are pigs, busy schedule, 1 bad day and we are in a mess.
These are just off the top of my head. Some of them involve other people, especially Chris and the kids. My big thing is to just set a better example for my kids. I hear them saying things I say and doing as I do.
Here's to 2008 and me keeping my resolutions!!
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