Abby and Gracie got to go ice skating for the first time yesterday with Brenda, Emily, and Jaimie. I was a little skeptical. Gracie stated from the beginning that she was only going to watch. And other than Emily pulling her around the ice, that's all she did. Abby on the other hand was a completely different story. According to the Jones', she was nearly obsessed with getting the hang of skating. They all held their breath as they watched her hit the ice over and over again. Over and over she professed she was OK and to stand back. Finally she got the hang of it and couldn't be stopped. Brenda said they had to pull her off the ice and she asked all the way home when she could go back. She came home sporting a red mark on her cheek from one fall, and knees that were in lots of pretty colors from all the others. She also wants to take lessons. For those who know Abby, this interest in anything involving physical activity is very unlike her. Maybe we'll try it a few more times and see where this leads. Jaimie took some great pictures and I will post them as soon as I get them!
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