Last night, Chris and I had a date night and went to see the new Harry Potter movie. I thought it was very good, but as a loyal fan of the books I felt they left some huge plot points out. But I will say I LOVE the strong girl characters. I think Looney Lovegood may be my favorite! She was brilliantly cast! Ginny is also starting to show her personality. I have mixed feelings about the last book coming out on Friday. I am very eager to see how it all ends, but I am emotionally attached to these characters and I am afraid of what Ms. Rowling may have done to my favorites. Oh well, we shall see!
Rate the movie on a scale of 1-10. Should I wait until it comes out on video or see it in the theater? Is it kid friendly (specifically 6 year old)?
10. It was great on the big screen. It might be a little intense for Joey. It is also almost 2 1/2 hours. I am interested in your opinion. Go see it. Wait for me to see Hairspray!
I definitely want to see Hairspray in the theater. I'm certain Greg will not want to see it!
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